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Thursday, December 30, 2010

5 Tips To Set Your Intentions For The 2011 New Year

Statistics reveal that 80% of all New Year’s resolutions are not accomplished.  Oprah Winfrey said that intention rules the world, because when you are truly clear about what you want – the entire universe stands on tip top waiting to assist you in miraculous and amazing ways to manifest your dream or intention.

Set Your Intensions
Set Your Intentions In Writing
Here are 5 tips to help you set your intentions for the new year:
1). Set aside quiet time for reflection and planning.
I am taking time this week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve to be prepared for 2011.  Some of you may want to wait until after the festivities of this week and make a date with yourself in the beginning of the new year. Usually, I take some time away from everyone and spend some quiet time alone with God to get clear guidance for my life for the new year.  So, this is a quiet time between you and Spirit. Allow this to be your personal workshop (or play-shop) where you focus on setting your intention to create the life you want.
ACTION STEP – Go to your calender/planner and mark a date and time to clarify your intention(s).  Give yourself at least an hour to start. If at the end of that hour you need more time, set another date and time.  Don’t try to do it all at once, pace your schedule.

2). Write a list of what you “don’t want”

Some questions that you might ask yourself are:  What are some repeated patterns in your life?   What can you identify in your life that you want to change? What is the one area that you want to make a priority for change?   It might be that you find yourself choosing the same relationships, or that you have been making the same choices with money.  Be open and honest with yourself about what you don’t want, as it only then that you can begin to become clear about what you desire.
ACTION STEP: Schedule the time to write down what you “don’t want” or write it now.

3).  Write down what you “do” want.
Once you are clear on what you do not want, you are now ready to write out what you do want.  Write your intentions in a clear, concise and detailed manner as possible.  Don’t hold back.  Think in unlimited possibilities.  The Universe is abundant and is opened to manifest all of your desires.   The more detailed and descriptive you make your intention, the faster your intention will manifest.  Remember, clarity is your key to success.
ACTION STEP: Schedule the time to write down what you “do” want or write it now.

4). What are the action steps that you can take?
Write out how you can be begin to take small baby steps towards your intention on a daily basis.  I recommend to my clients to begin to with small steps that lead to big dreams.  For example, if you are beginning an exercise/healthy regiment, instead of joining a Gym, begin with possibly walking for just 5 minutes daily and increase it by 5 minutes each week.  Make your intention for 5 minutes, but if you feel up to exercising longer, then by all means keep going!!!!   Once you begin to see results, you will be motivated to keeping moving.  Design small baby steps and projects that will keep you consistently doing something daily towards your goal.  Dr. John DeMartini stated that your life would radically change if you would take one step daily towards your goal.
ACTION STEP:  Make a phone call, send an email or just research info on the internet.  SMALL BABY STEPS LEAD TO LARGE DREAMS. (Read more)

I look forward to your thoughts, Robin

Please leave a comment below.  Thank you

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